Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wow, 4 months since we've updated Hunter's blog! Let's wrapped up and Hunter played rec baseball for the first time. He was on Kevin Hunter's team and they were the Cubs. He really enjoyed it and now he's been invited to play fall baseball. That should start up just anytime now and will go through the end of October. We are out of school for summer break right now but our plans are to start back next week. Hunter will be in 2nd grade. Where has the time gone?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Winning Streak!

Hunter's Upwards team, the Tarheels, have now won their second game in a row! Yeah! Last week they won by 2 they won by 18 points!! Next week is Hunter's last game...can't believe that it's already over..seems like we were just getting started. I guess off of basketball and on to baseball. Call outs for coaches pitch are Monday at 5:30. Hunter's hoping that he ends up on the team with his buddy Carter. I think it will make it easier for his first experience with rec! We went today after his game and got his cleats, baseball pants, batting glove, and a new wooden bat. He's all ready! I took some pics of him today in all of his baseball gear...I'll try to post them tomorrow sometime!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

First Game!!

Although they lost, Hunter did make the first basket (is that what it's called? lol) for his team. He was so proud! He was adorable out there too...I'm so proud of him!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Welcome to Hunter's blog. He was "concerned" that Dalton had a website but he did not. So in an effort to promote fairness, I've made one for Hunter. LOL

Here's a picture of Hunter in his basketball uniform! Go #24!! We love you and are so proud of you!!